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2022/11/15 - 38th edition

The event will take place on January 27, 2023.

2022/11/12 - 37th edition

The event will take place on January 28, 2022.

2019/10/11 - 36th edition

The event will take place on January 31, 2020.

2019/01/30 - Here are the results for each category :

- Overall ranking
- Beers ranking
- Champagne ranking
- Cocktails ranking
- Coffee ranking


More informations about the 35th edition soon !

2018/01/27 - Here are the results for each category :

- Overall ranking
- Beers ranking
- Champagne ranking
- Cocktails ranking
- Coffee ranking

2017/03/04 - Here are the results for each category :

- Overall ranking
- Beers ranking
- Champagne ranking
- Cocktails ranking
- Coffee ranking

2016/02/14 - Pictures of the 32nd European Junior Bartender Contest are online in the "Media" part.

See also the TV report produced by RTBF here: Meilleur barman européen

2016/02/07 - Thank you all for this 32nd European Junior Bartender Contest. Congratulations to the winner, Roxanne Remmery from Lycée Hyacinthe Friant Poligny, France.

Here are the results for each category.

- Overall ranking
- Beers ranking
- Champagne ranking
- Cocktails ranking
- Coffee ranking

Pictures are coming soon.

2015/09/20 - The 32th edition of Europen Junior Bartender Contest will take place on Friday, January 29, 2016.

Book already the date in your agenda!

Stay tuned!




Thank you to our partners ...

AREH Spa Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Ville de Spa InBev
Café Liegeois Leffe
Radisson BLU Radisson Palace
Spa Balmoral Jupiler
Coca-Cola Hoegaarden



Copyright © Concours Barman Junior Européen 2015-2023